Passion for coding!

I'm a self-taught coder that early fell in love with software and everything that comes with it from requirement analysis to architecture and testing.

I share my knowledge in different communities, give talks both at companies and on developer conferences, mentor developers and share my different experiments at Github.

Read my blog Read my articles

My community contributions

Stack overflow

Answered almost 2000 questions mainly focusing on design patterns & quality issues. Answering questions is a superb way to learn how to explain complex concepts simply.

Ranked top 1200 of 20M users.


Have created many different types of frameworks just to learn how they tick. Coded everything from a complete web server to different types of data layer frameworks.

Ranked 619 of 219K C# accounts.


I've written articles on various subjects from demonstrating own libraries to describe different patterns and practices. I've got 4.9 of 5 in average scoring.

Ranked "Legend" for my articles

Struggling team?

Focusing too much on coding new features without managing the quality of the development often leads to struggling teams.

I can help you implement sound practices, everything from requirement management to acceptance tests, to gradually improve both the software quality and the development pace.

2024-03-01 2025-02-28