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ASP.NET MVC 5 installation

Install the nuget package called coderr.client.aspnet.mvc5, if you haven't already.

Next, you need to tell the Coderr library what server it should upload all error reports to.

PLease add the following code in your global.asax or Startup.cs.

var url = new Uri("http://yourServer/coderr/");

To get automated error reporting, add the following:


Once configured, start your application and try manually to report an exception.

You can for example add the following code somewhere and then invoke your controller action:

    throw new Exception("Hello world");
catch (Exception ex)
    Err.Report(ex, new { SampleData = "Context example"});

More information

The MVC library can report all invalid model states, track failed login attempts and more.

If you want more information, read the ASP.NET Mvc5 client documentation or on error reporting report errors