ASP.NET Core MVC configuration

This installation guide only activates the minimal amount of features, read the full guide at the bottom for more details.

Install the nuget package called coderr.client.aspnetcore.mvc..

Activating Coderr

Add the following code in your Program.cs:

var url = new Uri("http://yourServer/coderr/");

The appKey and the sharedSecret are found in the Coderr server under the managed application.

Detecting errors

To get Coderr to automatically report all unhandled exceptions add the following in Startup.cs:

For Middleware errors, add the following to the Configure method:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    // to catch errors that are not in the MVC pipeline

    // To get ASP.NET Cores logs attached:

    // [... rest of the code ...]

For MVC specific errors:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // For newer versions, this method is named "AddControllersWithViews".
    services.AddMvc(options =>
        // To activate Coderr

Trying it out

Once configured, start your application and try manually to report an exception.

You can test by adding the following code in a controller action:

    throw new Exception("Hello world");
catch (Exception ex)
    // Using "this." is required for automatically collected telemetry data.
    this.Report(ex, new { SampleData = "Context example"});

More information

The MVC library can report all invalid model states, track failed login attempts, and more. For additional configuration options and to learn more about this library, read the ASP.NET Core MVC client documentation

To learn more about manually reporting errors, read our reporting guide.