Quick facts


When Coderr received the first report of this error.

Last report

Timestamp for the most recent report. This date/time can differ from the date on the most recently stored report (due to report limiting/throttling, see below).

Report count

The report count shows the number of reports received since this error was discovered. Note that this count can be higher than the reports available under the report browser. For example, the report count can show 143 000 reports, while only 50 are available under the report browser. This is because we limit the number of saved reports to reduce the resources required for each error.

Coderr starts to delete the oldest reports to save newer ones once the limit has been reached (default is 50 reports).

User Impact

A partition defined for this application. In this case, we have received this incident from one user, which is half of all users that have experienced errors in this application.


Defines which application environments this error has been received from, For instance, test, development, and production.


Tags associated with this incident.