
Tags allow you to categorize errors.

To attach tags to an incident you can do the following:

    //some stuff that generates an exception
catch (Exception ex)
    Err.Report(ex, new { ErrTags = "important,backend" });

    // alternative:
    // Err.Report(ex, new { ErrTags = new[] { "important", "backend" }});


Add a tag to every report

To add an tag to every report (like a server name), you can use a custom context provider.

public class ServerNameProvider : IContextInfoProvider
    public string Name => "ServerName";

    public ContextCollectionDTO Collect(IErrorReporterContext context)
        var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        properties.Add("ErrTags", Environment.MachineName);

        return new ContextCollectionDTO(Name, properties);

The .NET Standard version of the interface is named IContextCollectionProvider instead of IContextInfoProvider.

To activate the provider, register it using Err.Configuration:

Err.Configuration.ContextProviders.Add(new ServerNameProvider());


Finding incidents using tags

Once you have added tags you can use them to find specific incidents in the search interface: